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1068E chipset and its drivers

2008年4月14日 20点45分 发表评论 阅读评论

LSI 1068E chipset, by setting a jumper, can be used in 2 modes.

1. 1068MPT-Fusion, PCI ID 1000:0054, Embedded MPT-Fusion BIOS, used with MPT-Fusion(SAS) driver.

2. 1068MegaRAID, PCI ID: 1000:0055, Embedded MegaRAID BIOS, providing RAID 0,1

LSI MegaRAID 84016 SAS controller contains two 1068E controllers and one Intel ICP unit. It driver is megaraid_sas.ko, not mpt_sas.ko as 1068E D.Card in BX1200 platform, which just acts as HBA card.

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