
2005年9月 的存档

Paxville DP & SR1450 chassis

2005年9月27日 没有评论

Paxville processor, made by Intel, would work as 4 processors because of its dual-core technology and hyperthread.This means one processor acts as two independent core and each core would be two processor by hyperthread technology. So we could say one Paxville processors equals four independent processors.

It took me very long time to choose two Paxville DP from six samples which have all same appearence. Before I used these identified Paxville DP, I even used Paxville MP in the SE7520JR2 mainboard,it seems crazy that four status laps glare in red color and the whole machine was halted. Then reflashed the mainboard’s BIOS to P09 reversion,and used Paxville DP,everything was ok.

There’s another issue,when I put the mainboard with two Paxville DP and four Samsung memory into the SR1450 chassis,I found if I used the line connects the front console panel with mainboard by passing the back panel,the system was halted. Howerver,I tried to connect the front panel with mainboard directly,without passing through back panel, the machine started up well with no error reporting. I’ve wrotten to James and Lily for Intel’s support.

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Lilo’s sequence

2005年9月26日 没有评论

The engineer and sales of Shanghai said our platform including PR1510 and PR1325 had a very bad performance.PR1325 used intel’s chassis named SR1425 with SE7320VP2.The customer wanted to test this machines by SuSE server 9.0. From the report created by Shanghai’s sales, I think perhaps it is caused by Hitach’s harddisk. I’ve suggested the customer to configure the /Swap partition to twice of total memory’s capacity. This issue is still open and I’ll resolve it in future.

In the afternoon,a customer asked me to modify the boot sequence controlled by lilo. I modified /etc/lilo.conf file,and fix this problem successfully.

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Summary of last two days

2005年9月18日 没有评论

Chris and Jin leaved Powerleader in 15th,September.They are both very good men from which I’ve learn many things,especially carefulness and responsiblilty. I think I would work with them for more years,but it isn’t in the same way.

Summary of last two days:
1.Mr Ji, from Xiamen City,said PR2510 could use many cpu resource on the Red Hat Advanced Server 3.0 with Update 4 even there was no process running. He also told me the avg cpu time is very high when he tried to copy some big file to local harddisk. I’ve read his report which seems have heavy load created by issued iostat command.
In the Saturday morning I installed the RHAS3.0 u4 in a SE7520BD2 platform,and then issued the top and ” # iostat -k 1 9 ” command, the result I got was normal.it showed the cpu works very well in our products.
I’ve written to Mr Ji and called the Sales name Xu Huauying.

Level: Crit

2.Xie Wenyu, Sales of Chengdu,who wanted to know whether the 8931GT ethernet device could take the place of 8931MT which had been stopped producting in PR6310 (SE7320SP2).I’ve told Du Xuewen how to test this device,and he did well as a frashman. Xie said the customer want to install WinXP in PR6310,but as the result,it would be blue screen during installing WinXP.Finnally,we used Windows 2000 server.

Level: Info

3.Zhang Zhihao,customer from Shanghai,asked some question about RAID.I told him SE7520 could not rebuild RAID data automatically,for example, in RAID 1 mode,if one harddisk was halted during the system running, it did not effect.But after reboot ,it would check the harddisk’s status and said one harddisk halted and the RAID was offline. We had to changed another harddisk whose capability must be bigger than the original,if it is smalled,the Rebuild function is unavailability.and then Enter the RAID configuration interface to rebuile the RAID in order to keep our data safe.
I’ve promised to send some documents about RAID to him in few days.

Level: Info

3.Reflashing logo of 7501CW2,Nanjing Fenghuo.
The picture format must be 640x480x4bpp and smaller than 320KB.In the pure Dos environment,issue the following command: a: 3.bat Xeon480.bmp

Level: Closed

4.Liu Quan,sales of Shanghai.SE7520BD2 only supports RAID0 and RAID1.If we want to create RAID10,the following RAID card would be choosed:
Adaptec 2200s, Intel SRCU42L,SRCU42E,SRCU42X ,
Mega Raid LSI 320-0,320-1,320-2.

5.Yang,inside sales of Shenzhen.The capability of NvRam in the SE7520BD2 is 8MB.This mainboard does not support Chipkill memory technology.SE7501 chipset supports 533MHz/400MHz FSB and SE7520 chipset supports 800Mhz FSB.
PC2100 = DDR266, PC 2700 = DDR333
LVD = interface of SCSI

1.SATA – SATA2 conversion TEST (about TWO weeks).
Shu Ling will tell us which type harddish would be used and tested.
PT6250,PR2310,and then add 3ware RAID card in one of former two products,so we are going to prepare for three tests.
Level: Notice

2.JR2-DDR2 platform TEST.(release at 11th,Oct)
Using intel 2400 platform.
Level: Crit

3.Top 10 of R&D Lab(every Friday)

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PowerScan test

2005年9月7日 没有评论

PowerScan,is based on PR2700 with box-sol’s software named “SpamTrap”. We used three servers,one as mail server,one as pressure server, and the other one is PowerScan.When the power was on,the PR2700 could not start up even without intel’s logo picture.The light in front of server glared in red color.I had to open the chassis in order to check the hardware.I tried to take away the components in order and install them again.It’s my good luck.This server name PR2700 which is original product from intel ran well and the Linux’s kernel started up without error.

In the pressure server,it is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 whose kernel is 2.6.9.The engineer of box-sol told me to send pressure by issuing the “postal” command.I tried to install postal in Red Hat Advance Server 3.0 Update 4,but failed during compiling this program.Finally,in the RHEL 4.0,and only in this operating system,postal could be installed successfully. But the result we got made us surprised,it is even as 50% as the data tested in TaiWan,and just 30% of result in Shanghai.It confused me very much.

In the next morning , When I went to ISC lab and did the pressure test again.I found that the target machine which is PR2700 could not be pinged. I doubted perhaps it was caused by Net environment.Then I checked the network and found it was ok.So I connected one monitor to PR2700.how surprised I am! The server had been halted because the kernel was panic.The warning messages said it seemed one module name afsata2 could not be inserted.

Although I checked the hardware again and again,this matter always happened.It is annoying. Sometimes,I tried to put one SCSI harddisk away from chassis,and then the raid card warned in belling which is so harshness. Intel engineer told me to clear the noise by cover the bell with paper,it is very useful. I fixed this warning problem in the following steps: press “ctrl + G” to enter the raid’s configuration interface,in the harddisk list,I found one was offline.then selected this disk and configure the setting to online.After I did this job,the statue of RAID card was become online instead of offline automaticlly.Howerver,the kernel panic still existed. I could not resolve this matter because I had no account and password to access the linux writed by box-sol in order to check the log file of Linux.So I had to stop this test and send the machine to Shanghai where the server will be installed by engineer of box-sol again. It is estimated that six days will take the break.

Today moring,I called intel 800 service for problem.Hmmm, a sata raid card of 32-bit/66MHz would be installed in slots which is 32-bit/33MHz.but the card would be working in 33MHz frequence.It is campatibility with PCI criteria.

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