
2007年10月 的存档

Current NFS/Linux not support SCTP

2007年10月31日 没有评论

Phillip Huang:NFSv4 supports TCP and UDP, does this implementation affect the relative operations(mount/read/write) on NFS share exported from underlying GFS filesystem, which indicates it uses SCTP protocol only?

Talpey Thomas:The Linux NFSv4 implementations supports UDP, but NFSv4 specification forbids it. A congestion controlled transport is required, and UDP does not quaility. However, in theory SCTP and DCCP are candidates. There are no port assignments for NFS on these transports.

Phillip Huang:Or if I want use NFS on GFS smoothly, shall I need to add TCP support to GFS?

Talpey Thomas: No, it is perfectly acceptable to use TCP connection for NFS, and an SCTP connection for GFS. The NFS daemon effectively function as a gateway, isolating both side from any issues

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mptscsi issue when mkinitrd

2007年10月30日 没有评论

When make initrd image by executing the following command:
# mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.23.img 2.6.23-rc9
No module mptscsi found for kernel 2.6.23-rc9 aborting.

Fixed this issue through comment out “mptscsi” line in /etc/modprobe.conf.
# vi /etc/modproble.conf
# alias scsi_hostadapter1 mptscsi

Then mkinitrd executes smoothly and create the Image for new kernel.

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lowcomms.c in 2.6.23-rc9

2007年10月30日 没有评论

lowcomms.c located in “fs/dlm” directory of 2.6.23-rc9 kernel source code, is not found in the former kernel version 2.6.9-42(CentOS4.4). Lowcomms will choose to use wither TCP or SCTP as its transport layer depending on the configuration variable protocol. This should be set to 0(default) for TCP or 1 for SCTP. It should be configured using a cluster wide mechanism as it must be the same on all nodes of the cluster for the DLM to function.

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2007年10月29日 没有评论

Linux kernel currently lacks a generic cluster framework. Different clustering solutions like GFS and OCFS2 use their own internode communication framework. GFS uses SCTP and OCFS2 uses TCP as their transport protocol.

DLM: A distributed lock manager(DLM) is a common component of many clustering filesystem and databases. DLMs provide cluster-wide locking services which are fault-tolerant and scalable.

In a typical DLM, mastery(owenership) of locks is distributed to different nodes in the cluster, so that the locking resource burden is distributed across all the nodes in the cluster. One node is assigned the job of keeping track of which nodes master which locks, so that if a node does not know where a lock is being mastered, it can find that out. To minimize this extra overhead, each node keeps a cache of lock location information it has obtained from the lock location service. One of the key issue in DLM implementation is recovery, when a node dies, all locks it was holding are released and the state of all locks it was mastering have to be recovered.

As a result, each node in the cluster has to keep track of all the locks it is holding so that it can provide this information to the new lock master when recovering the state of locks mastered by the nodes which left the cluster. Some DLM implementation will migrate lock mastery to a new node if that new node is performing the majority of the lock operations on a particular lock.

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dlm_sendd & SCTP/TCP

2007年10月29日 没有评论

Kernel: fs/dlm/lowcomms-top.c
The patch adds a TCP based communications layer to the DLM which is compile time selectable. The existing SCTP layer gives the advantage of allowing multihoming, whereas the TCP layer has been heavily tested in precious versions of the DLM and is known to be robust and therefore can be used as a baseline for performancing testing. Internode communication using SCTP. This level is not aware of locks or resources or other dlm objects, only data buffers. These functions also batch(and extract) lots of small messages bound for one node into larger chunks.

Why current node use SCTP?
This is the low-level comms layer. It’s responsible for sending/receiving message from other nodes in the cluster.Cluster nodes are referred to by their nodeids, nodeids are simply 32bit numbers to the locking module. If they need to be expanded for the cluster infrastructure then that is its responsibility.It is this layers responsiblity to resolve there into IP addresses or whatever it needs for internode communications.

The comms level is two kernel threads that deal mainly with the receiving of messages from other nodes and passing them up to the mid-level comms layer(which understand the message format) for execution by locking core, and a send thread which does all the setting up of connections to remote nodes and the sending of data. Threads are not allowed to send their own data because it may cause them to wait in times of high load. Alao, this way, the sending thread can collect together message bound for one node and send them in one block.

From David Tergland: I don’t see any problem with the recv thread executing the locking code on behalf of remote processes as the locking code is short, efficient and nevel(well, hardly ever) waits.

In my way of thinking, you’re well on the way.

TCP Limitation:
TCP(rfc793) has performed immense service as the primary means of reliable data transfer in IP networks.However, an increasing number of recent applications have found TCP too limiting. The limitation which means have wished to bypass including the following:

1.TCP provides both reliable data transfer and strict order-of-transmission delivery of data. Some applications need reliable transfer without sequence maintenance, while other would be satisfied with partial ordering of the data. In both of these cases the head-of-line blocking offerred by TCP causes unnecessary delay.
2.The stream oriented nature of TCP is often an inconvenience. Applications must add their own record marking to delineate their messages, and must make explict use of the push facility to ensure that a complete message is transferred in a reasonable time.
3.The limitation scope of TCP sockets complicates the task of providing highly-available data transer capability using multi-homed hosts.
4.TCP is relatively vulenerable to denial of service attacks such as SYN attacks.(Dos).

With message framing(SCTP and UDP), the boundaries in which messages are communicated through a socket are preserved, this means that if a client sends 100 bytes to a server following by 50 bytes, the server will read 100 bytes and 50 bytes, respectively, for two reads.UDP also operaters in this way, which makes it advantage for message-oriented protocols.

In contrast, TCP operates in a byte-streams fashion, without framing, a peer may receive more or less than was sent(splitting up a write or aggregating multiple writes into a single read). This behavior requires that message-oriented protocols operating over TCP provide data-buffer and message framing within their application layer.

Message in SCTP are transferred reliably but not necessary in the desire order. TCP guarantees that data is delivered in order(which is good thing, considering TCP is a stream protocol). UDP guarantees no ordering. But you can also configure streams within SCTP to accept un-ordered message if desired.

Detail for SCTP: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-sctp

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Streaming-media Storage

2007年10月28日 没有评论

Advanced encryption standard(AES) encryption and decryption engineer for secured data storage.
GPIO: general purpose input/output

Interface GbE media access control(MAC)
USB Transceiver microcell interface + (UTMI +)

Concurrent users. This is possible due to the inclusion of a protocols accelerator and a session-aware traffic manager that determines the bandwidth/prority to associate with each session types. The upper-layer processor protocol accelerator provides processing of TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocols, which offloads the embedded application processor that is used for control and navigation functions. The TMA allocates system network, memory, and storage resources among both control and streaming-media sessions.

The result is hig-performancing DMC Soc that can accommodate many concurrent media sessions including several high-definitin video streams.

Besides serving mesia, the NAS40x enables the DMS application to protect media form data-loss because of a single HDD failure. Because of time and econmic considevations associated with acquired, tailoring, and formating media for enjoyable playback, the avoidance of data loss is an important concern among users, The NAS40x supports enhanced streaming RAID to ensure the media is protected from the time it is imported onto an NAS40x based media archive and continutes to be protected even during the failure f HDD from with the associated array. The user need not take any additional steps to protect media such as mirroring or backing up to other resources. Simillarly, no additional steps are needed to recovered media form data loss other then replacing the affected HDD at convenient time .The user never loses access to streaming media because of a single HDD failure with enhanced streaming RAID.

The software are NAS40X allows the users to parse files according to type(audio, video, still pictures), according to genre(action videos, co-medias), or according to title or author.

File Transfer using portable USB HDD: Media can be shared between networks using a portable USB HDD or Flash driver. Media can be read from the HDD or Flash drive and stored on the NAS40X controlled RAID5 HDDs and vice versa. Other media devices such as MP3 music players could be connected to the USB port to download music files from the RAID5 HDD array.

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Linux news and some useful words

2007年10月28日 没有评论

TurboxLinux is latest to sign Microsoft Pact. TurboLinux, headquartered in Japan, sells Linux systems mostly in emerging markets such as China and India.

Linux hold to its ideals of freedom and openess.
A smear of memory means the there’s something dirty on the memory.
A shagged battery describes the cables are mess.

I VNC in it from around the planet to keep it on it toes.
I know why, and I know it’s an old complaint but it remains a real problem.
Know enough about what’s going on to correctly diagnose problems.

So here’s the funny thing, I’ve used Windows since 1.0. I’ve lived through the bad times of Windows 386 and ME, and the good times of NT3.5 and 2K. I know XP if not backwards, then with a degree of familarity that only middle-aged co-dependents can afford each other.

Then how come I’m so much more at home with Ubuntu(Gusty Gibbon) than Vista? It boils down to one abiding impression. Ubuntu goes out of its way to get out of your way, even if it doesn’t succeed all the time. Vista goes out its way to be Vista and enforce Vista way. You must conform regardless of the implications.

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BMC and Winbond chips

2007年10月28日 没有评论

SS2280, implemented with Intel Woodcrest Dual-Core processor: enhance server visualization, faster networking. The dual core technology improves significiently the computing speed by running applications in parrellel, instead one stage each time and more to the next in line.

North bridge: Intel Blackford North Bridge. (BNB)
South bridge: ESB2E, Enterprise South Bridge 2.
PHY: Physical Layer Transceiver.
OOB: Out of Bond
VRD: Voltage Regular Down
SDR: Sensor Data Repository

The most advanced management controller, “Server Engine Pilot”, which combines baseboad management controller and graphics controller into one single chip. Such technology lowers down not only the cost, making you budget more economy, but also minimize the space of board. This chip features its enhanced performance on remote management through web service. The KVM, USB storage can also be included in the domain of remote control.

There’s something wrong with the BMC chip in last Monday, as we can not access its web service while ping is OK. Even restart the server, the BMC was not found. Later I fixed this issue by plugging out the power cable, wait for about 30 seconds, and then start up. The support engineer of SS2280 doubled it was a single failure, and suggested me to verify the following 4 servers coming in this week.

BMC monitors the fan speed according to the temperature the sensors have detected and make an appropriate adjustment and management. BMC is also responsible for monitoring of power unit through the way of checking events via SMBus. There’s anther chipset called Winbond 83627HG-AW embedded in baseboard, that also has monitoring functions. The support engineer told me it is BMC to monitor the system environment, not Winbond chips.

In the early test, I installed CentOS 4.4 with lm_sensor packages on SS2280, and then executing “sensor_detect” command detected three sensor on the board: BMC, Winbond83627HF and i2c. “sensor” command returned wired datas about all monitored elements. At first, I want to get the correct data by following up Winbond83627HF, but can not find the related driver. The support engineer gave me the hints that OpenIPMI is the default package of Linux. Then I installed this package, and using its command “ipmitool sensor” to get appropriate contents about environment. OpenIPMI provides virtual power function, that maybe useful for our BA880 to replace the physical fenced device(APC). I will study OpenIPMI in the following weeks.

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He who does not advance falls backward

2007年10月24日 没有评论

I must keep up writing working blog here, for colloecting the knowledge and working status. In the last two months, I am effected by some private things, and even I can not put all my heart on the current researching working in UIT. Only studing ONStor products and creating a report was praised and senseful. However, I do not show my 100% energy. It’s a shame that I feel I did not do my best, and I must do something and set new goals. First, I will study deeply about NAS products in the market,and then learn from them to apply in our BA880 series. Second, preparing for CCNA exam is obviously benifit to my tech career.

In the following two weeks, I am going to research on OpenIPMI and the Virtual Power. If Virtual Power is available in the lab, it would change the future BA880 architecture, that means the NAS gateway does not need APC device.

He who does not advance falls backward. Forza, Phillip.

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2007年10月23日 没有评论

Prepare for CCNA Exam(update version).

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