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Hardware Unique Identifier and LFS building

2008年2月20日 21点57分 发表评论 阅读评论

How to unique identify a computer? Google said CPUID and MAC address are two most widely used. However, CPUID is lease to modify than MAC. Later I find “hostid” command, which print the numeric identifer for the current host. However the hostid is related to the IP address of local computer so that it can not be depended.

CPUinfo’s BogoMIPS: The Linux measures BogoMIPS at start up in order to calibrate some soft timing loops that will be used late on. Or, it is measured provided in the Linux OS that indicates in a relative way how fast the computer processor runs.

Configure script problems: If something goes wrong while running the configure script, review the config.log file. This file may contain errors encounted during configure which were not printed to the screen.

Because there is not always enough Random Access Memory(RAM) available for compilation processes. It is a good idea to use a small disk partition as swap space. This is used by the kernel to store seldom-used data and leave more memory available for active processes.

To check if your host system used custom enhancements:
#debugs -R feature /dev/xxx

Toolslain: compiler, assemble, linker, libraries and few useful utility

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