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Server Board and chassis for next generation of NAS

2008年1月16日 22点14分 发表评论 阅读评论

There are two boards seemed suitable for next generate NAS product. In fact, both of these products should be installed in SuperMicro 5120F-280 or 5130F-430 chassis. Their processors must support 64bit operation system as my yesterday description, and the DDR2 memory is considered better than FBD memory in our application. And the last one, maybe the most important point, is when externel IPMI card is inserted in its identified slot, the IPMI management interface is quite different between the above two board. One shares with on-board ethernet ports, and the other has dedicated RJ45 port. Gavin suggested the first one is better because it will make system architecture more simply.

The disk driver adapter functions of the Super I/O chip includes a floopy disk, driver controller that is compatible with industry standard 820777763 data separator write pre-compensation circuity decode logic data rate selection, a driver interface contrl logic and interrrupt and DMA logic. The Super I/O supports one PC-Compatible printer port(SSP), Bi-Directional Print Port(BPP), Enhanced Paralled Port(EPP), provides functions that comply with ACPI, which includes support of legacy and ACPI management.

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