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unlink, “/etc/resolv.conf” and X server

2006年12月11日 20点49分 发表评论 阅读评论

Perl, unlink is used to remove files from directory,syntax “unlink list_of_files”.

/etc/resolv.conf keeps the DNS setting.

Read documents filter out its “#” lines and space lines:
# cat file_name | grep -v # | grep -v ‘^$’

If you have experience in the world of personal computer networking, the term server brings to mind a multiprocessor monster with multiple gigabytes of RAM and disk storage that sits behind glass walls in an air-conditioned machine room and holds all your company’s vital data.

A client is a computer, such as the workstation on your desk, that you use to access and process the information stored on the server.

X-server manages our graphics hardware in a manner similar to how a database server would manage the database, here shared resources is screen, keyboard and mouse.

“This can be a time-consuming and frustrating process.”

Refresh-rate: this is the rate at which the image you see on your screen is redrawn. The refresh rate is expressed in terms of Hertz(HZ). A refresh rate of 60Hz means that an image is redrawn 60 times in one second.

Start the XFree86 X-Server by typing the command:
# X &
# xterm -display localhost:0.0 &

Ctrl+Alt+Backspace send X server a signal that causes it to instantly terminate.
Experiment with this to avoid having to reboot your machine

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