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Repair the SNAZ

2006年9月23日 16点12分 发表评论 阅读评论

Sometimes, the SNAZ meets crash in the hard testing or overload. We need to repair the SNAZ online.

1. log on the target machine as admin and turn to root.
2. # portmap
3. # mount /mnt
4. # cp /mnt/4.02/S4.02.17/vmlinuz /boot
5. # cp /mnt/4.02/S4.02.17/initrd_loop /boot
6. # cp /mnt/4.02/S4.02.17/rootfs.zbd /boot
7. # lilo -C /boot/lilo.conf
8. # clean-slate –force SYSTEM
In this step, answer “yes” to confirm clean all data on the harddisk.
9. # shutdown -r now

When the system restart, it will run in the former stable version4.02.17. Use the corresponding ISO to update the system to what you want. I think this way gives my some advices at how to repair other linux crashing issues. Verify the /boot and make sure it would work well.

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