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Add samba user in iPlanet

2006年9月17日 21点37分 发表评论 阅读评论

So many ways I’ve tried to add samba user in iPlanet, this following is useful. First, create POSIX user by iPlanet, and then issue “smbpasswd -a user” to make this POSIX user to be samba user. It seemed add entries contains smb infomation would also operate successfully.

“/etc/ldap.conf” identifies the setting of “getent passwd” command.
“/etc/openldap/ldap.conf” identifies the setting of “ldapsearch -x” command.

Note, only the user whose object class contains POSIX option could be recoganized as UNIX account and returned by getent command. None POSIX entries will never be returned in the “getent passwd” result.

How to share directory in Linux?
First, should confirm the NFS has been installed and started up. Second, modify the “/etc/exports” file, and add the shared directory item.

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