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Some useful tips

2006年8月22日 21点03分 发表评论 阅读评论

Simply script to find number of files in current directory:
# ls | awk ‘{x++}END{print x}’

Create identified size file:
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=targername bs=1M count=100
bs: block size

Check the video card status:
# glxgears
glxgears is a GLX demo that draws three rotation gears, and prints out framerate information to stdout.
# glxinfo
display info about a GLX entension and OpenGL render.
Note, we could use “winex” to play CS and WARIII.

What the capacity of harddisk are different from the value appeared in Linux system? For example, a 40GB harddisk seems to only have 38GB in OS?
First, it is caused by different measurement, the harddisk manufactor use 1000byte which is easy for calculate, but the system uses 1024byte.
Second, harddisk must be formatted before using, note, this formating operating would also contains some spaces on disk.

How to test harddisk transfer rate(Interal):
# hdparm -Tt /dev/hda
# hdparm -Tt /dev/sdb

IOP acts as chipset and CPU, if we just look RAID card like a motherboard. By adding different control chipset,eg, SCSI,SAS,SATA, we could make all these type RAID products.
IOP is made by Intel:
IOP331 supports PCI-X(1.0)
IOP333 supports PCI Express

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