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Kmail’s configuration

2006年1月18日 14点42分 发表评论 阅读评论

Kmail is the default mail tool in Mandriva’s KDE interface. There was something wrong with sending mai to other whose mail address is not belong to powerleader since last days when I used SuSE 9.1 Professional. I could only send mail to powerleader mail group.

The following steps could be used for resolving this problem:

Kmail – Kmail Configuration – Account – Modify – Sending mail – General Setting, the “Server authorize” option must be choose. and in the Secret Setting, we should use “Login” to identify the usename. All the three screenshot will be pasted in my collection.

Error messages:

Sending failed.
Connection to host … is broken.

The message will stay in the “Outbox” folder untill you either fix the problem.

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