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Linux tips

2005年7月13日 23点59分 发表评论 阅读评论

What is patch? Apply a diff file to an original.
What is hwclock? Query and set the hardware clock.

In RedHat Linux,issue the following command to modify the time or date:
select Asica/Shanghai
sync the time with the specified time server

Instead of strings in vi tools:

Check the running leve:
I issue this command in GUI of Linux 9.0, the result was 3.

Identify the logining user:
#who am i
#whoami print effective user id
#id print read and effective UIDs and GIDs

We can create and edit this file “/etc/motd” to display own messages when login in.

What is “NONUS”? It means non-US.
Execute the following command to reset the language of system:
# export LANG=”en-US”
Sometimes,this method resolves some Code displaying matters.

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